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  2. #Benchmark analytics sign in series#

If you would like to be represented, please submit your impact results for your financial inclusion investments here. The GIIN will continue to expand the benchmark and welcomes investors to submit data for inclusion. The impact performance benchmark is a new, first-of-its-kind tool that enables investors to analyze their impact performance, and to compare their own impact results relative to their peers across the market and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).ĭownload the GIINsight, "Using non-financial support to increase financial inclusion" belowĭetails on the benchmark's sample size and constitution can be found here. This brief explores investment-level, annualized impact performance data contributed by investors to the IRIS+ financial inclusion impact performance benchmark. Findings  also reveals opportunities to increase the value-add of non-financial support in financial inclusion. This brief, Using non-financial support to increase financial inclusion, uncovers how investments providing non-financial support can deliver stronger impact results across three financial inclusion indicators. Many investors provide tailored non-financial support, including technical assistance, to companies in order to enhance product development, improve service quality, expand client reach, and build the internal capacity of investees.

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GIINsight: Using non-financial support to increase financial inclusion The impact performance benchmark is a new, first-of-its-kind tool that enables investors to analyze their impact performance, and to compare their own impact results relative to their peers across the market and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).ĭownload the GIINSIGHT, “Enhancing gender equality through financial inclusion” here. This brief features investment-level, annualized impact performance data contributed by investors to the IRIS+ financial inclusion impact performance benchmark to explore how investments in financial services are achieving impact results for women. This brief finds that financial inclusion investments with strong client protection mechanisms in place generate both intended and unintended gender-lens impacts and highlights emerging opportunities to leverage financial inclusion investments to advance gender equality. Many of these financial services can be used to enhance gender equality in a number of ways. Investments into financial services can unlock access to opportunities and enhance resiliency in the face of financial crises. GIINsight: Enhancing gender equality through financial inclusion If you do not have access to the IRIS+ List, email to learn more.

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To access the full benchmark - including dynamic features such as filters, hover text providing context, and additional context on the key performance indicators (KPIs) - claim your IRIS+ List profile. The benchmark offers a sample characteristics overview, performance summary, key performance indicator deep-dives, and the methodological approach. This benchmark explores investment-level impact data across a set of key performance indicators to assess financial opportunity & resilience and inclusive economic development within the financial services sector.

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#Benchmark analytics sign in series#

The IRIS+ financial services impact performance benchmark is the first in a series of benchmarks that will launch in the IRIS+ System.

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IRIS+ Financial Services Impact Performance Benchmark Communicate with LPs and other stakeholders.Identify areas of underperformance and manage toward greater impact.For example, investors may use the impact performance benchmarks to: Ultimately, these benchmarks will allow investors to make informed decisions, drive deeper impact, and address the globe’s greatest social and environmental challenges. The development of impact performance benchmarks represents a profound step forward in the industry’s impact infrastructure, with the potential to radically shift the way that capital is allocated and managed. The IRIS+ impact performance benchmarks are analytic tools that aggregate sector-specific impact results across investments, enabling investors to compare their impact performance to peers and to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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